University of Louisiana at Lafayette student smiles while studying in front of his computer

学术成就 & 支持

Need 辅导 for your next calculus test? Thinking about changing your major? Want tips for writing your resume? 我们可以帮忙!

UL Lafayette offers an array of services that will give you the support you need to succeed because we understand the importance of providing a better living and learning environment.

Our services and programs complement the learning that takes place in the classroom and enhance your overall educational experience. It's also why we offer health and wellness services to keep you at your best mentally and physically.

这是你的家, and it's our goal to provide you with the amenities and support you need to ensure your academic and personal success.

资源 for Students

advisor meeting with student in office


During your time at UL Lafayette, you’ll have an advisor to guide you through your academic career. This person will help you schedule classes and ensure that you are meeting all requirements needed to earn your degree on time.

UL Lafayette students with instructor


About 80 percent of students in the United States end up changing their major at least once, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. We offer services to help you make those major decisions to ensure you end up with a career you love.

Choose or Change My Major
UL Lafayette student gives thumbs up at commencement


的 University is dedicated to helping first-generation and low-income students reach their full academic potential. We offer federal TRIO programs that can help you achieve your academic and personal goals.

Explore 三个项目
Student explaining a concept to another student at a computer


Get free 辅导 through 的 Learning Center 在李堂 or online. You can schedule individual 辅导, supplemental instruction, and study groups.

headphones in office of disability services

Disability Services

We believe in equal access and quality experiences for all of our students. 的 Office of Disability Services ensures that all of your needs and requirements are met so you can be successful.


Learn More About Campus Services

Do you have questions about how to pay tuition and other university fees? Learn more about billing procedures.

Your Cajun card gives you access to the full Ragin’ Cajun experience. Learn more about your card.

Having problems with technology while on campus? Learn more about what the IT Help Desk offers to help you.

We want to celebrate what makes you unique. Learn more about our multicultural services.

We can get you where you need to go and give you a place to park. Learn more about our transportation services.

Looking for information on university benefits for veterans? Learn more about these services